Automatic summarization is the technique of shortening a text document with computer program to create a summary with the major ideas of the original content.
There are two types of automatic summarization: extraction and abstraction. Extractive methods work by selecting some existing words, phrases, or sentences from the original text to form the summary. On the other hand abstractive use natural language processing techniques to create a summary that is similar to what a human being can generate.
Here we are discussing about the simplest form extracting method i.e. Text Rank Algorithm in JavaScript. It selects the key sentence from a paragraph to generate the summary.
The basic steps are:
His name is Bibhuti. And he is a person who writes code. Also, he write a blog. I code in Java Script too.
Here, the second sentence has the highest rank because it has more similar words i.e. “a”, “is”, “code”, “writes”.
To determine the rank, a dictionary (hash table) for each paragraph is needed. Its key will be the sentence itself and the value will be the count the intersection between the sentence and other sentences in the paragraphs.
The intersection is counted as:
But first let’s make a 2D array which will store the intersections for each paragraph with each other.
Then convert the 2d array into dictionary. Here the code i == j is for escaping the repetitions. The score is calculated by summing all intersections of a sentence with other sentence of the paragraph.
The dictionary for the above example looks like:
From the dictionary choose, the sentence which has the maximum rank. i.e. And he is a person who writes code.
In similar manner all top ranked sentences can be chosen from all paragraphs to form a summary. The finished application is here.
The source code is on github at
There are two types of automatic summarization: extraction and abstraction. Extractive methods work by selecting some existing words, phrases, or sentences from the original text to form the summary. On the other hand abstractive use natural language processing techniques to create a summary that is similar to what a human being can generate.
Here we are discussing about the simplest form extracting method i.e. Text Rank Algorithm in JavaScript. It selects the key sentence from a paragraph to generate the summary.
The basic steps are:
- Split content into paragraphs.
- From each paragraph choose the most suitable sentence i.e. sentence having highest rank.
- Join all top ranked sentences to form the summary.
Let’s look at each step in detail.
Split content into paragraph
As all words in a sentences are separated by whitespace and new lines by ‘\n’, the paragraphs are separated by double new lines ‘\n\n’.function split_into_sentences(s){ var s = s.split('.'); return(s); }
From each paragraph choose the most suitable sentence
So what is the most suitable sentence? Well, it the one with the highest rank. The sentence with highest rank is the one which has more common words in that paragraphs.E.g.
His name is Bibhuti. And he is a person who writes code. Also, he write a blog. I code in Java Script too.
Here, the second sentence has the highest rank because it has more similar words i.e. “a”, “is”, “code”, “writes”.
To determine the rank, a dictionary (hash table) for each paragraph is needed. Its key will be the sentence itself and the value will be the count the intersection between the sentence and other sentences in the paragraphs.
The intersection is counted as:
function sentences_insersection(sent1, sent2){ var s1 = set(sent1.split(" ")); var s2 = set(sent2.split(" ")); if(s1.length + s2.length === 0) return 0; return(intersection(s1, s2)/((s1.length+s2.length)/2)); }
But first let’s make a 2D array which will store the intersections for each paragraph with each other.
var sentences = split_into_sentences(content); var len = sentences.length; var values = []; for(var i=0; i<len; i++){ values.push([]); for(var j=0; j<len; j++){ values[i].push(null); values[i][j] = sentences_insersection(sentences[i], sentences[j]); } }
Then convert the 2d array into dictionary. Here the code i == j is for escaping the repetitions. The score is calculated by summing all intersections of a sentence with other sentence of the paragraph.
var dict = {}; for(var i=0; i<len; i++){ var score = 0; for(var j=0; j<len; j++){ if(i === j) continue; score += values[i][j]; } dict[format_sentence(sentences[i])] = score; }
The dictionary for the above example looks like:
Alsohewriteablog:0.5666666666666667 Andheisapersonwhowritescode:0.8205128205128205 HisnameisBibhuti:0.15384615384615385 IcodeinJavaScript:0.43333333333333335
From the dictionary choose, the sentence which has the maximum rank. i.e. And he is a person who writes code.
function get_best_sentence(paragraph, dict){ var sentences = split_into_sentences(paragraph); //ignore short sentences if(sentences.length < 2) return ""; //get best sentences according to sentence dictonary var best_sentence = ""; var max_value = 0; for(var i = 0; i<sentences.length; i++){ var s = sentences[i]; var strip = format_sentence(s); if(dict[strip] > max_value){ max_value = dict[strip]; best_sentence = s; } } return best_sentence; }
In similar manner all top ranked sentences can be chosen from all paragraphs to form a summary. The finished application is here.
The source code is on github at
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