Custom alert dialog

The alert dialog is something every JavaScript developer uses frequently. Since they are provided by the browser, their UI/look vary between browsers. Here we will be building a custom alert dialog which looks and feels the same across all browsers. You can view the demo here.

The basic knowledge of html, Css and JavaScript is required. We will be using jquery for DOM manipulation so little knowledge of jquery is also expected.

Random color generator

In this article we will make a random color generator in JavaScript. Our application will have a button to generate random color and a div to display it. Although the code base is small, it can be useful in many scenarios. You can view the finished application here. And the source code.

Snake game in JavaScript (110 lines of code)

In this article I will build a simple snake game in JavaScript from scratch. The player can control the snake by keyboard. Whenever the snake collides with food(a red circle), it gets 1 point and food moves to  a random position. 

You can view the finished application here. The requirements for this application are basic knowledge of html, JavaScript and some prior knowledge of html canvas.

Sketchpad in JavaScript from scratch

In this article we will be building a simple sketch pad application in JavaScript from scratch. It will have a brush and eraser with variable size. For simplicity, lets limit it to draw and erase. The finished application can be viewed here.

The requirements for this application are basic knowledge of html and JavaScript.